Power Healing for Body, Mind, Strength and Spiritual Abilities
For you… secrets from masters of Lemuria and Atlantis… expanding your energies, empowering your health, tuning your body, and even restoring ancient accomplishments and powers; this episode can set your spirit free to rise again!
The evolved beings of Atlantis and Lemuria enjoyed greater consciousness, psychic gifts and health than we did, we wonder, what were their secrets? In this episode, experience them, such as, tuning and mastering your body! Many of the secrets require NO WILL POWER! No psychic skills needed!
Enjoy powerful ancient body tuning developed from extraordinary clairvoyance, absorb the “rays” of Angels and Ascended Masters and download specific gifts and blessings. Just listen to the show to download Angelic and Ascended Master Energies! Upgrade your energy fields with the most powerful chakra-empowerment system available today. Make your chakras an energy-elevator to take you into higher dimensions! Gain personality and health benefits!
Crystals magnify everything. Enjoy enchanted music with the frequencies of healing flowers and crystals, pushing you faster, further and higher on your soul journey. Use the intelligence and the soul of crystals to expand your consciousness. Create crystalline space to open your life to new possibilities. Listen to ingest the empowering frequencies of crystals that lift up your world right on the show, and expand your consciousness… all frequencies are embedded in the enchanting music!
Jill Mattson’s Book of the Year of 2016, The Lost Waves of Time, reveals the deepest and most coveted mysteries of our ancient past to empower you with extraordinary skills and blessings. Ancient mages devised methods to use music to delete challenging negative astrology, making your path ~a heavenly song to rise upon~. Ancient Masters downloaded and connected with the stars, to revitalize and empower themselves, while skyrocketing their own power and energies. Enjoy these frequencies on this episode!
In this session learn:
- Spot tune your body, effectively mastering your control over it
- Transform your energy into divine light, crystal clear illumination
- Use Music (no will power required) to download Angelic and Ascended Master energies
- Recalibrate your Frequencies, Energies, Chakras and Download Angelic and Ascend Master Energy Streams
- Amplify with your Journey with Crystal power – Listening to crystals to ingest their power, and using their soul/intelligence to expand your consciousness and more
- Use Sound & Music to tune your body so it recalibrates into divine harmony – producing health & spiritual abilities on all levels.
Thursday at 12pm PT / 3pm ET and listen to here!
Miss the interview! Here it Here!
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