Baguazhang circle walking

Baguazhang circle walking: A short guide to change your body, mind and movement

Baguazhang circle walking was created from older meditative practise to upgrade movement and martial skill. I wrote this book as a guide to save on confusion, and show you can use this elegant method for changing and building your body, your 'integrated power' and also for deep calm and states of flow.

Baguazhang is hypnotically beautiful but also the least well understood internal martial art due to its unusual training methods. As a result there are all kinds of authors who capitalise on the misunderstood nature of the art by adding layers of mystery to distract from the core of the method.

This compact book takes the opposite approach. It focuses the keys to circle walking, the postures and mindset which to develop body power, health, martial mobility and meditative clarity.

This book gives simple, clear instructions which are pared down to the essentials. It uses classical Chinese verses about Bagua as its core, and is illustrated to show footwork patterns and postural principles. This book is written to save you time and headaches so that you can progress in your practise.

This book will also help you to see the practical sense hidden in other Chinese books and methods.

Warning: this book will not teach killer techniques, or make you a deadly fighter with the power kill through mysterious internal power. It will be a useful addition to your collection if you already practise some style of Kung fu, Tai chi, Aikido or are interested in tested methods of meditation and body development.

About the Author: Edward Hines started his practice of Baguazhang in 1991 in Taiwan Republic of China. He is currently based in Paris, France.
