Physical Toughness

Physical Toughness: Fitness and nutrition For Exceptionally Transformed Better Lifestyle

This book shares principles of achieving a total physical transformation from a Biblical perspective because the value of an Exceptionally Better Lifestyle is found in its durability.

This book demonstrates that a relationship exists between emotions, finances, the mind, the spirit, physical health and state of being based on my lived experiences, seminar teachings, data, and information that I have gathered over the years. Therefore provides Biblical based principles for a transformed life that can be applied in all areas be it financial, social, intellectual, and spiritual and most importantly physical transformation.

Thus the book outlines how you can use several Bible based tools such as love, forgiveness, serving, generosity, gratitude, prayer, healing, among others in order to a set your mind and your entire being in accordance with a new you in Christ Jesus.



  1. I wanted to post this url many runners, cyclist and wait trainers use it to keep a record of their workout routine.


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