Jill Mattson

Live class or connect on-line with Jill Mattson

Sun. June 17 Lily Dale, NY

Enlighten with
Ancestral Healing & Karma Burning
Clear Energy of Disease, Family Genes, Repeated-Family-Problems
Enjoy Attunements & Open High Energy Channels
There’s no end to karma & old wounds that shape our perceptions. We repeat compulsive behaviors without a clue how it started…when it may be ancestral obstacles, past lives, karma and miasmas. Even our body cells & DNA reflect ancestral expectations, dreams, failures and successes. Genes and ancient habits (that we are not conscious of) are stronger than will-power and affirmations, sabotaging our goals & things we want.
Experience Clearing, getting rid of pain, & Harmonizing personal, family karma (for your children too)… allow for joy and success.
Ancestral healing is an intense, deep multidimensional forgiveness that alters an unconscious realm beyond time, space, dimensions and frequencies. Release the old paradigm, heal ancient wounds, negative and addictive family problems, clear phantom pains (guilt, hatred, rejection, anger, resentment & denial). Heal permanently.
Experience techniques & healing from all over the ancient world to clean karma, genetic lines & DNA. Accelerate your awakening, spiritual and physical development, psychic skills and ascension, as well all healing the Earth!
Three powerful angels join to assist releasing negative ancestral and karmic energies. Experience/take home their Sound Attunements to open Portals to these Arch Angels’ Clearing and Energies. Receive magnificent clearing and healing energies.
Experience 10 powerful attunements of the sephirot, symbols of the ancient Egyptian/Kabballah Tree of Life, which are Gateways to Higher Energies... hidden sound codes! Experience the sephirot Gateways & Energies. Fill the void created by karmic release. (Take home mp3-Attunements!)
Sun. Jun 17 @ 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Live at Fellowships of the spirit.org, Lily Dale NY
Or attend on line. You have a week to view the class video for your convenience
Register Here https://www.fellowshipsspirit.org/event/enlighten-your-life-with-ancestral-healing-transform-your-karma/
