I’m a sci-fi author with some 60,000 ebooks sold on Amazon. I have a website: spirit of empire.com. A friend suggested my website could be a lot better. I’m a writer, not a web designer, though I did do the website myself through ActNowDomains. Want to help me improve the site and get better visibility?

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I’m interested but am busy with other stuff at the moment. Do you have a portfolio I can look at? Also, I’m looking for suggestions on how to get more hits. Is that your area of expertise?
Will you design a website that will stay on ActNowDomains, or will I need to find someone else to host the website. They're site design tools seem fairly limiting.
I think I want each of my books on the website where the visitor can click on the picture of the book, but I don't want to tell you how to do your job. I really don't even know what's possible for you to do. I'm also considering starting a blog but haven't looked into that very much yet. Sorry about the typo in my previous reply.
I have another book coming out in the next few days, so there will be a total of 8 books. I only sell my books on Amazon.com, so links to Amazon make sense to me. I'm happy to rework the individual book descriptions if you think that's better.
Another item I'd like to included for each book is examples of reviews on Amazon.com
These books sell wherever Amazon sells, so much of the world, though my largest market is USA, Canada, and Australia. So my target audience is pretty broad. I'd like you to do whatever you can to make the Website as good as if it was your own.
I'm not in a huge hurry, looking for quality not speed. Since you're half way around the world, turn-around time will be an issue, but I'm okay with it as long as you're okay with it.
